4 Tips for Crypto Investor!


              Today AFbrother will take you through “4 tips for crypto investors” for beginners Cryptocurrency investors who have no experience. What to consider before investing and before you put your money in the crypto market!


-Diversifying your crypto portfolio

Beginners often make a mistake by investing their savings in a single currency. Having an undiversified portfolio can be risky. Investors Should  invest in different types of crypto assets with at least 2-3 currencies or more. It even more better if you also invest in other assets for example in funds,life insurance, stocks, and real estate, etc.


-Get educated

Investing in crypto can be a hard and complex process especially for beginners there for they must understand what crypto is and need to carefully research the market. Investor can find an information from White Paper in each currency  (White Paper is  a document that helps outline the main features and technical specifications of a specific cryptocurrency or blockchain) Nowadays, the cryptocurrencies that most people choose to invest in are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Tether, USD Coin, BNB Binance, etc. However, the cryptocurrencies that most people choose to invest in doesn’t mean they are no risk to invest. Therefore, before investing, you should deeply study do a research about the crypto currency that you want to invest in.


-Study and learn techniques and tips from experts

There are a variety of information that investors can learn from experts and gurus, for example from YouTube or Facebook Pages provide you with knowledge along with a lot of other things related to cryptocurrencies. Investors could learn and analyze accordingly in order to be able to catch the direction of the crypto growth trend well.


-Always follow the news

because of various investment news are significantly impacted on the value of cryptocurrencies and affects the tendency to make them higher or lower in value. Even news on social media can also affects the value of cryptocurrencies, so always updated  the news is extremely important to crypto investors.


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