5 Ways to “Manage Your Time” for Working Effectively

The way we work today is completely different from how we worked in the past.

We can choosing the time to go to the office or even can working from home.

Althoug we have, more freedom than before but, the time mayseemed to be spent all day working non-stop if you don’t know how to manage your time.


Career development in your career path is important. However, relaxation and health are also important.

Today, AFbrother has a an article about 5 ways to “manage your time” for working effectively


  1. Start with organizing your desk.

Keeping your desk organized is one of the effective time management techniques. Because it will allow you to quickly and conveniently grab something to use. Don’t wasting time searching for items on your desk. It also helps create a more pleasant working environment.


  1. Set your goals!

Set the goal of what you will do today. How many tasks or job must be completed? This will help you manage your time easily and systematically. When you achieve your goals that set it will also help reduce stress and pressure from your work as well.


  1. Planning your working routine

Start working by making a list of things to do on that day to estimate the time in each task in advance .So you can control and allocate time for each task to achieve and balance your time for the next task


  1. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency

Considering the importance of work and prioritizing it will help you mange you time and will not waste time on the task that not important and not urgent. 


  1. Do not always “say YES”

You have to be brave enough to say no to some small tasks so you can focus on your priority and  important tasks in front of you. If you think you can not do that job or beyond your ability their you should notify the supervisor In order to allocate the work to other people in the team who has those skilled that job it instead saying Yes for everything.


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