What is AFbrother and our selling points

From the global market influencer has grown by an average of 30% per year. Now the Influencer market is worth more than $16 billion and we expect that by 2023 we will grow to $20,000 million. AFbrother provides the needs of customers that will reduce pain points in each party’s working process, helping to work more efficiently and communicate more directly. AFbrother platform is easy to use. It is known as an area for marketers, brands, and influencers to work more effectively.


Why AFbrother?

1.AFbrother is a worldwide platform

AFbrother is a Global Platform that is not only marketed in Thailand but is marketed in many countries around the world. This means that a product that wants to be promoted internationally or influencers who want to work with foreign brands can use the AFbrother.


2.AFbrother is available on smartphones, tablets and computers

With AFbrother working on Browser every device can be used comfortably just by connecting the internet and accessing the Browser to www.afbrother.com then you can use AFbrother


3. Influencer screening system.

Choosing an influencer is not whoever can promote your product but choosing an influencer who matches your product that can make your promotion more effective and also reduce your marketing cost


4. Wage calculation for fairness

AFbrother use AI to calculate influencer wage by using follower on social media to separate each platform which makes the wage different between each platform or the influencer can calculate by themselves.


5. AFbrother has many marketers

Except for the influencer side, AFbrother also does the marketing on a marketer side (more than 40 firm now) which mean AFbrother is going to have many jobs for the influencer.


What is the difference when choosing the AFbrother platform?

1.AFbrother uses cryptocurrency for every payment.

Cryptocurrency makes payment more convenient. Marketers can make payment forms everywhere in the world. They don’t have to worry about transferring money from overseas and also they don’t have to care about the exchange rate.


2.AFbrother has many campaigns

Besides a job as a marketer, AFbrother also has an online campaign for influencers to promote constantly. For example, sharing AFbrother posts, posts promoting AFbrother, etc.


3. Low fee

Influencers usually accept jobs at agencies and job searching platforms, which are charged from the wage from influencers, which is usually quite high. But if switching to Platform AFbrother, which has the lowest fee on the market that means influencers can get more than normal.


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