Boost website traffic with Google Trends.

Today, we have another helper that our content creator, blogger, or website developer friends may already know. However, with Google Trends, a trusted SEO partner who guarantees that if you try it, it may not be expected.You will get many new ideas.

What exactly is Google Trends?This, as the name implies, is a trending tool. What people search for during that period in each country and each region, which will be divided into various keywords that people in each country are interested in, For example, during the new year, people may search extensively for accommodations, hotels, restaurants, or stories that are trending on various social media platforms.Google Trends will show results in terms of keywords and numbers of search terms in order of popularity.

And how will it benefit us?
Of course, Google shows results based on what we search for. Therefore, we can predict those keywords during that time. Which word is in the stream? People pay attention and can be further developed to create content on our platform. We can also use the keyword comparison feature to see which words people pay more attention to.

For example Every month at the beginning and middle of the month, Thai people search for the word “lottery,” which we may use to divide into content on our encourage people to find our website more easily. (However, it must contain relevant content) in order to increase traffic to our website.including making Google rank our website to have a better score as well. If we use good keywords consistently,

Moreover, from a marketer’s point of view When do we know which words are popular? Which keywords are people interested in? We may use those keywords to create marketing campaigns in accordance with the timing. or that particular festival to create momentum for the business. It is also an expansion of the customer base because new people will have the opportunity to see our website more.


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