Get to know the meaning of acronym after the Stocks name. Part 1

For newbies who have just stepped into the stock investing industry. Stock abbreviations are sometimes confusing. There will also be various marks at the end of some chapters. Today we will come to a conclusion about what the various symbols mean so as not to be shocked when they actually happen.

Let’s start with the X families, because they happen most often.

XD (Excluding Dividend) : The buyer is not entitled to receive dividends.

XR (Excluding Right) : The buyer does not have the right to subscribe for newly issued shares. XW (Excluding Warrant) : The buyer is not entitled to receive warrants to purchase securities. XS (Excluding Short-term Warrant) : The buyer is not entitled to receive warrants for short-term securities subscription.

XT (Excluding Transferable Subscription Right) : Buyer is not entitled to receive warrants to purchase transferable capital increase shares.

XI (Excluding Interest) : The buyer is not entitled to receive interest.

XP (Excluding Principal) : The buyer is not entitled to receive the principal that the company announced to pay back at that time.

XA (Excluding All) : The buyer does not have all rights announced by the company at that time.

XE (Excluding Exercise) : The buyer does not have the right to convert options into underlying stocks.

XM (Excluding Meetings) : The buyer has no right to attend the shareholders’ meeting.

XN (Excluding Capital Return) : The buyer has no right to receive a refund from the capital reduction.

XB (Excluding Other Benefit) : The buyer does not have the right to subscribe for newly issued shares. In the following cases

Preferred share subscription rights Allocated to ordinary shareholders

Right to subscribe for ordinary shares Allocated to preferred shareholders

The right to subscribe for securities offered for sale to the general public by allocating to the existing shareholders of the Company

The right to subscribe for securities of affiliated companies

In short, we buy stocks before the market’s birthday. We still get those rights as usual, but if we buy on the day these marks appear at the end of the stock name, then you will not be entitled to such rights. which can be checked through the securities calendar on the stock exchange website in each country.

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