Get to know the type of popular Content!

Nowadays people spend more than 8 hours a day online and see a lot of content every day, no matter what on their phone or computer


Content is the information that tells stories about the brand, business, experience and details about products and services. Content is engaging, relevant, reliable, interesting, entertaining or enlightening in the form of text, image, video or audio. In this day content is very important for online marketing because people love good content!


So, what is the popular content? Let’s get to know the type of popular content in this article with AFbrother !


How many types of content are there? Content has so many types such as images, video, audio, text. Each type of content has a different function for example,


• Education content  is a type of content that aims to bring value to an audience by teaching them something new.


• Sales and marketing content is a type of content that helps you increase your sales and generate income of short term and long term. This type of content is very popular in various.


• Entertainment content is a type of content that created for building up follower, get more share and turn the audience to be your regular costumer


• Persuasive Content is a type of content that encourage and convince the reader to do or buy something.


• Inspire content Is a type of content that link to belief, impression, admiration, opportunity, Its popularly used for brand building, create a good image and good reputation for your business


However, types of content are just a part of  Communication strategies, the author should have good skills of creating content that can attract people to watch or read.


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