Good Content vs. Bad Content!?

Did you know that the time it takes to decide to stop and look at content online or swipe it away is less than 2 seconds! In other words, consumers decide to take their time reading or decide enough of this and move on within just 2 seconds.


So what should I do? To attract the attention of consumers and your target audience, today, AFbrother recommends which content is cool and which is lame.



‘Good’ Content 


  1. Entertainment or humorous content

You may seamlessly blend fun with the content or product you want to sell. It can also add interest in your page!


  1. Content that asks questions for participation.

Nowadays, people tend to express their opinions widely online. Creating content in this way can help attract more people to your posts. You also get to learn the opinions of people as well


  1. Words that resonate

Catchy and memorable phrases is the best content for people to remember and share. Don’t forget to put your logo or brand name on it for people to remember!



 ‘Bad’ Content


  1. Political and Religious Content

This is something that should be avoided if you are doing business. Everyone has different opinions, there can be uncontrollable events that lead to negative reviews, even popular pages can fall victim to this, so don’t do it!


  1. Content that judges or bullies’ others

  Be it the skin colour, face, shape, habits, skill of any person.

Not just on the internet, but in the real world also. It’s not right bullying or judging anyone. Just don’t do it! 


  1. Content that is not true

If we don’t know the true story or if you do not have accurate information, you should not create content based on false information to get views or likes. In addition to causing damage to your reputation, you may also go to court for liable!


It can be seen that nowadays “content” is very important to online business. If you want your brand to be successful, be sure to focus on your content