How colors affect branding?

Colors are one of the most important things because they can affect your brand by behaviour and emotion in some way. Colors not only attract the customers, but also shows how unique and remarkable your brand is. Established brand’s logo’s colors are wisely chosen to attract customers to increases sales and value of the brand. Well, What colors are matching your brands? 

AF Brother will show you six popular colors that success brands using on their logos and the hidden meaning in each colors. Let’s go!

1. Red – represents passion, young age, and brave. Marketers choose red to attract their customers for on sale products because red color can catch your eyes easily. It arouses a sense of excitement, power, and strength. Most brands using red will mix with the soft and lighter tone such as white, yellow, and orange to soften their image. It also makes their brands friendlier. However, food and beverage companies usually choose red color to arouse their customers to buy products more and more.  

2. Yellow – represents positive, cheerful, and happy emotions. It stimulates your creation, imagination, vitality, and friendliness. Yellow is the same color as the sun, it conveys, energy, abundance and faith. Most food companies or restaurant brands use it to support new ideas. Yellow is the second popular color that used in food industries.

3. Blue – represents strong, sincere, reliability, stability, dependability, wisely, technology, and progress. Therefore, the electronic, technology, application and social media business are using blue or deep blue as a color to represent their logos because they want their customers feel credibility.

4. Green – represents positive energy as abundance, nature, growth, peace, save the world, greenery, health, and relaxing. Green is number one color used for various healthy products. Having some green in your advert will give you and customers positive energy. However, there are different shades of green promote different emotions. It is one of the best choice for organic products, restaurants, dietary supplement and beverages.

5. Orange – represents sociability, confidence, and enthusiasm which make the consumers feel close and establishes trust with the brand. Orange also makes the customers feel fresh, adventurous, and encouraged. Orange is fit with food, health, and technology businesses. 

6. Pink – represents gentleness, kindness, sensitivity, adorableness, fun, cheerfulness, brightness, and luxurious, so it is one of the most popular for female’s products and businesses.

Before starting your brand or logo, you should choose the colors wisely. Color represent who you are and your customer image. If you don’t want to miss the excellent marketing tips. Do not forget to follow AF Brother’s page and website.

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