How to build your own brand in “4 steps”


I believe that nowadays more than 50% off white collar workers and graduates don’t want to be employee but they want be an entrepreneur and run their own business. However, building a business and branding your products is not that easy! Today AFbrother would like to introduce a method. “How to prepare before starting to build your own brand.”


1.Brand name 

One of the most important things for establishing a brand is choosing a brand name. A good brand name has to be easy to read, easy to understand, easy to search and easy to remember. The more our brand name matches the product or keywords that customers use to search for. The more opportunities for customers to find our store or our site easier.


2.Sell the product or provide the service that the customer needs

You may have heard the term “Customer Centric”, which is a great way to start a strong brand. Because the product or service you choose to sell come from the customer needs. Don’t forget that the goods you’re going to sell are not something you want, but it’s what the buyer wants. 


3.Research your target audience 

The target group will be those who want to buy your products or services. Building a good brand will also build a strong business foundation. Of course, customers or buyers are very important to your business. You must target people who you think might be interested in your products and services, for example if you want to sell affordable cosmetics. Your target audience might be teenager, high school, university girls, and young adults.


4.research the cost before making an investment decision.

Many start-ups overlook that they spend too much of their budget, buying products to fill up their stock. Other costs that must be calculated into your budget can include transportation costs, travel costs, staff costs, packaging and advertising costs, so to start building your own brand, you will need to research these costs and expenses. Think carefully before making investment decisions.


All Entrepreneurs have different ways to start their business as does the branding. Don’t forget to do the research before making investment decisions. And if you want to know more cool marketing tips, please don’t forget to like our page and follow AFbrother website

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