How to write a job application e-mail that catches the eye of HR.

With a new year like this, many people may be looking for a new job. or the line of work that you are interested in To focus on more or less challenging tasks Today, we have a good trick that we would like to recommend: writing a suitable email job application does not make HR brush it off in the first place. What should be there?

The most important but often overlooked thing is your “email address.” Many people tend to miss using strange email names that they used to use when they were young to send job applications. We recommend that you have one official email address. may be used as your first or last name. If your last name is long, it is recommended to use jigsaw puzzles to make it easier to remember. Check out the necessary documents that you need to attach to your job application, whether it’s a resume, CV, Portforlio, or even a degree. Make sure those files are up-to-Date and see your data consistently. If there are documents that need to be scanned, check carefully that every book It can be read completely, is clearly visible, and is not faded.

Next, we will come to writing content for the email. We will classify them into the following major topics:

  1. Check the email address of HR or job applicants to be correct, and write the position details or job topics clearly, not vaguely, and not using friendly language.
  2. Write a formal greeting at the end of the email. and in the body of the email. Complete your personal information (name, surname, phone number, email address, or line ID, if necessary) by clearly specifying the job position you are applying for. Including, where did you see this recruitment announcement? And, most importantly, write about yourself in a way that is outstanding, interesting, and relevant to the position you are applying for.If possible, be brief and easy to understand, and tell about your enthusiasm for the job you want to apply show your intention and commitment that you are suitable for this position before calling for an interview.
    Finally, and most importantly, remember to include all of the information requested by the applicant, such as documents such as a resume, CV, portfolio, or other necessary files.It’s like getting on a plane without a ticket. because if you have to send back the corrected email, it probably doesn’t look good for recruiters, right?
  3. Read your own email carefully before sending it. Don’t rush. Don’t do many things at once. Focus on this email and complete it first. Because applicants who apply for a job via email may face a large number of applicants.Therefore, send a good job application email. It will make a good impression on the reader at first as well.

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone. We’ll see you again in the next article.

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