Investing in Crypto vs. Stocks: What’s the Better Choice for You?


Some of people struggle deciding between crypto and stocks for which one they should invest.

Today, AFbrother has some answer for you!


What is the difference between crypto and stocks?

The difference between crypto and stocks is that we own digital assets on the Blockchain as a store of value like gold, but not stocks. Stocks are where you buy shares in the ownership of a company or some organisation.Therefore you will have a stake and benefit in the business  by dividend, according to business success.


Should I invest in crypto or stocks?

One factor that you should make the decision before investing in stocks or crypto is risk. Both of these have a volatile base depending on supply in the market. Securities and Exchange Commission or (SEC) in Thailand say that stocks are more stable than crypto because crypto has high risk and volatility that depends on how popular the crypto currency is,


Investing in crypto is “high risk high return” with higher volatility than investing on stocks that are under your control as buy and sell volumes. Stocks are more stable but susceptible to supply and demand issues more so than crypto.


In summary, stock trading is over 100 years old. This makes stocks more stable asset for the investor, However crypto is fresh to the market that is one of the reasons that makes crypto highly volatile but possibly highly rewarding. Some groups of people believe that crypto will be accept worldwide almost like US dollars, possibly becoming the standard currency in the future.


However, all investments come with risks. so you MUST invest wisely and only invest what you can afford to lose. If you would like to learn more marketing tips, don’t forget to follow the webpage and AFbrother website.