IPO stocks, everyone wants to buy, but do you know what must happen before a stock can become an IPO?

Both large and small investors are interested in companies preparing for IPOs because they reflect the potential for growth, management, and potential future price increases. In this article, we discussed the process of considering listing that company on the stock market or conducting an IPO.

What is an IPO?
IPO shares (Initial Public Offering) are shares that are first traded to the general public in order to be listed on the stock exchange. by the Stock Exchange of Thailand, there will be basic requirements for the qualifications of companies that want to be listed on the stock exchange. which these comprise

for the SET market
Registered capital after paid shares must be worth more than 300 million baht.
have been in business for at least 3 years with net profits in the last 2 or 3 years totaling more than 50 million baht.
Last year’s net profit (counting from the calendar year of listing) was more than 30 million baht, and the company has accumulated net profit in the current period or has a market cap of more than 7,500 million baht.

for the MAI market
Registered capital after paid shares must be worth more than 50 million baht.
The company has been in operation for at least two years, with a net profit of over ten million baht in the previous year and an accumulated net profit in the current period.

Aside from budget and profit, management must also meet a variety of management criteria.Whether it’s a business, it must be transparent, verifiable, and have executives and directors with potential. Good management systems and financial statements are in accordance with accounting standards which the said company will be able to submit an application to enter the market. The stock exchange must first check it again. There must be interviews with directors, executives, and persons who have audited such businesses, including visits to such businesses as well. The approval period is 165 days.

Thank you the information from MAO Investor.


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