Pros and cons of Cryptocurrency that you need to know!

Cryptocurrency or what most of Thai people called Crypto” are assets that are popular in this digital era.

However, before investing, we will inform you about pros and cons of Cryptocurrency in this article with AFbrother!


Pros of Cryptocurrency

1.private and secure

 Cryptocurrency provides anonymity of the user. No public tracking or tracing, unlike banking transactions where information can be leaked if there is insufficient security.

2. Convenience

Everybody in this world can easily access and use Cryptocurrency services as long as they have a device that can be connected to the Internet. More than that Cryptocurrency has no limits on users age as well!

3. Transparency, verifiable

 All transaction information of Cryptocurrency is distributed on a permanent network that can be checked 24/7. Plus, all this information is accurate and clear



Cons of Cryptocurrency

1. You must be check thoroughly before investing

 All Cryptocurrency transactions that have been made cannot be reversed or “charged back”, if scammers got your information or you provide the wrong wallet address, you won’t be able to change it later

 2. High Risk

 Value of Cryptocurrencies depends on the market demand. If it has high value or is extremely rare, the will price goes up. In addition, there are many of factors that make prices difficult to predict for investors.

 3. It is not 100% accepted unlike cash and stock market

 Although many companies are starting to use Cryptocurrency to pay for products and services, it is still not widely accepted. It is different from using a credit or debit card which universally accepted.


However, all investments are risks so, you should invest wisely and don’t forget to reserve some money for use in times of necessity.

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