The agency nightmare? The Influencer marketing.

We can’t deny that every product and service that we use today, we are aware of them by the marketing approach, this is very important for us to make a decision to buy or use some services. We see big brands hiring presenters for tens of millions of baht per campaign. Just to launch a new product might only cost two digits or hundreds of baht. Have we ever wondered why brands would dare to spend so much money on this game?

Nowadays, you can get all the news in just a few seconds. If your product presentation is not interesting enough, Of course, your brand slips out of interest in a split second as well. At this point, many brands need to hire celebrities, singers, or artists to present their products. Even over the last few decades, the value of employment in this market has never fallen. The big impact you want to create is about the money you dare to spend and hope to create more brand and product awareness. But in this era of the digital world, we are now able to access cryptocurrencies freely. We would like to introduce you to AFbrother, a platform that can give you the opportunity to hire influencers that are designed for your needs. Payments can be made in cryptocurrencies, transparent, verifiable, and most importantly, you can limit the number of jobs or budget to use in each campaign as easily as just thinking about it and the job is done.

In addition to the angle of the employer. Of course, agencies can also use  AFbrother because many people who work in coordination or AE often have a lot of headaches. with the coordination of many conditions. The more followers influencers have the limitations were even greater. By then, these problems will be gone. When you try our platform, we can handle all negotiation problems for you. You just upload your work into the system. Determine the purpose of the work. and enter the budget you want to use. That’s it. You can now start creating campaigns for the products you want to advertise. Moreover, the fees are very low because of the blockchain system that we already use to pay for our services. This system works without intermediaries, it can cut down on steps that will cost you unnecessary money. And you can also use cryptocurrencies to top up your credit. There is no need to do the disbursement of money many times to have a headache as well.

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