The beginning of Google.

Millions of information we search through the website. Or a search engine like Google, what is the origin and idea of ​​their founding? who is the founder and the most important thing is how to find the information we need as incredibly easy. Today we’re going to take you back in time to the day Google was founded.


Back in 1995-1997, at the faculty of Computer Science, Stanford University, the place where Larry Page and Sergey Brin met in 1996. Both of them had shared the interesting idea of “How could we search for the information we need in a short time?” They started to experiment with the technology that could solve their problem and found that thing called “BackRub.” Likewise, its potential to analyze the backlink of the website, which is the developer, could share it with the public. It looks so simple if you only knew about the concept, but in fact, that was really insane at the time. They put in a lot of effort and overcame every struggle due to the budget limit because they were not born into a rich family.


BackRub became popular in 1998, surprising the majority of university users. Larry and Brin tried really hard to improve its efficiency and then set a date with Yahoo! for the business offers. On the other hand, on that day, Yahoo! did not see the importance of BackRub for their users, so they denied the deals and suggested Larry and Brin start their own company. As time went by, they found their first investor, “Andy Bechtolsheim,” the co-founder of Sun Microsystems. Larry and Brin had a pitch with Andy, and he liked the concept so much. Since that day, Google has been forming into a business much more than ever before. In 1999, Google gained big money from Mike Mortiz and the venture capital group “Sequoia” and John Doer from “Kleiner Perkin Co.” became the board management of the company. The search engine was utilized by various tech companies like AOL/Netspace and gained daily users of 3 million times per day.


The peak time of Google was in the Y2K period, or the year 2000. Google has started to invent much more technology to strengthen their potential, like Google Directory. On the one hand, it helps the user be able to search for information via wireless devices. They extended the search language to up to 10 different languages, which means the world is in Google’s hand because they can link the website broader than it used to. Moreover, Google is expanding its network partners with Yahoo!, NetEase, and Biglobe. By the end of the year 2000, Google broke its record with 100 million users per day from everyone who used a computer, even students or researchers. Wireless searching was so successful because of the wireless mobile phone era, which allowed anyone to search for anything from their phone. 

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