The Giant Marketing trend for mid 2022 to early 2023.

As we all experience of the Covid-19 pandemic. Every industry is adapting really hard to the big impact like we never knew before. The marketer has to wipe out all of their strategy in their whole career. The consumer has completely changed and will never be the same anymore. Customer centricity plays an important role in this coincidence. so it’s a real challenge to keep up with every aspect. Before it is too late we have summarized the marketing trends for you to keep our marketing work relevant and evolve to be the next level.

  1. TikTok is on the rise. When you talk about social media, The rapid rise of TikTok has seen the app reach 1 billion users and counting. TikTok has enormous engagement (U.S. users spend up to 850 hours a month on the platform) and offers individuals and brands the good opportunity to become viral quickly. TikTok is not just for people who like to dance to music or post about their daily routine. If you look closer you may see the huge needs through their VIDEO clips.
  2. eCommerce is becoming more seamless. 2022 is set to see the experience of social shopping evolve as platforms work behind the scenes to enable customer payments without leaving social media apps, creating a seamless customer experience. Gen Z and Millennials are predicted to be the biggest spenders as they will account for 62 percent of global social ecommerce revenue by 2025. If you have not noticed yet, Facebook, Instagram and even TikTok have their own Marketplace already.
  3. Youtube Ads is growing like never before. As you can see, people spend more and more time watching  the VIDEO clips or their favorite Youtube channel at least 15 mins or even an hour per day. This is the real opportunity to brings your product placement here. Last year YouTube’s global revenue (through its parent company Alphabet) grew to nearly $29 billion, up almost 46 percent from 2020.
  4. Metaverse is the new battlefield for the marketer. This move, according to Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg is because “the metaverse is the next frontier in connecting people, just like social networking was when we got started. Over time, I hope we are seen as a metaverse company, and I want to anchor our work and our identity on what we’re building towards.” Imagine if the Facebook user’s account just 10% joined the Metaverse how much dollars would flow in the air. The top tier brands spending big money in the Metaverse like BMW, Rolex or Gucci.
  5. NFTs is not just an Art but also the future of brand placement. Blockchain technology has seen its fair share of detractors. As a technology that stores data using peer-to-peer networks, it has been linked with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. It’s now the basis for another popular virtual currency – Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This is some kind of liquid asset which is not only built for the artist and the art collectors but also for everyone who wants to be a part of the new world.

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