What is influencer marketing? How is influencer marketing essential for Business?


Many people might have heard about “Influencer Marketing”

however, in this era, Influencer Marketing is more important than you think!

Today, we will introduce you to influencer marketing.

What is it? And how is it essential for your business. 


  • What is influencer marketing?

influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that uses content creators who have a significant following and influence on social media communities. They will help you promote and motivate your target customers to buy your products and services via online platforms such as, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Blogs etc.

There are many advantages of influencer marketing, because nowadays most costumers know that celebrities and the actors in advertisements and commercials are not a real product user. Therefore, the strategy of online marketing has changed from promoting products and services by actors and celebrities to influencers. The reason is that influencers have a lot of followers on media platforms because they can make their followers feel that they are more sincere than traditional advertising media.


  • Why do we need to use influencer marketing?

These days, an influencer doesn’t need to be actor, superstar, celebrity or highly privileged, they can be ordinary people who have their own technique to create interesting content and advertising. This group of people are good at telling stories and convince people to buy products and services, it is how they can build up a lot of followers. The important thing is recommendations from them serve as a form of social proof to your brand’s potential customers.

From costumer perspective “influencer” is like a “best friend”. They are more approachable than celebrities, plus the more an influencer has the same interest in products and services as your target customer, the more they can promote your products and credibility will also be increased. For example, if you want to sell “organic herbal coffee” and your customer base is usually elderly, you can expand your customer base to younger people by hiring influencers who are famous and already have influence with your new target group. This will have positive feedback on your brand. It will influence more people to become your customers.

So now you know how “influencer marketing” is important to the online business. If you want your brand to be successful, please consider this new trend and don’t ignore influencer marketing!

If you would like to learn more marketing tips, please don’t forget to follow the web page and AFbrother website.