Which Countries can Thai Citizens Visit Without Visa?

Topic: Which Countries can Thai Citizens Visit Without Visa? 


It’s almost the end of the year! We all start looking for a holiday destination for relaxation. Relieve your stress from hard work all year long. People who like to travel in the country are starting to book accommodation. But some people like to travel the abroad.


The End of the year holiday is coming, and you may wonder which countries can Thai citizens visit without visa?


Countries that allow a stay for up to 14 days:

Bahrain, Brunei, Cambodia, Burma, Taiwan


Countries that allow a stay for up to 15 days: 



Countries that allow a to stay for up to 30 days: 

Hainan, China, Hongkong, Indonesia, Laos, Macau, Mongolia, Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Tajikistan.


Countries that allow a stay for up to 90 days: 

Albania, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, South Korea, Peru.


However, before traveling, please double check this information. The destination country’s entry rules can change.

You can ask or email for updated information at the embassy of the destination country located in Thailand.

Or at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Happy holiday and have a safe trip!


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